Saturday 9 December 2017

Payday developer announces GTFO at The Game Awards 2017

The​ ​newly​ ​founded​ ​independent​ ​studio​ ​10​ ​Chambers​ ​Collective​ ​unveiled​ ​the​ ​first​ ​gameplay​ ​footage
from​ ​their​ ​upcoming​ ​4-player​ ​co-op​ ​game​ ​GTFO​ ​-​ ​and​ ​announced​ ​Adam​ ​Gascoine,​ ​known​ ​from​ ​The
Last​ ​of​ ​Us,​ ​as​ ​the​ ​game’s​ ​writer. GTFO will be released 2018 and can already be found on Steam.

10 Chambers Collective is a Swedish development team lead by the brain behind the PAYDAY
franchise, Ulf Andersson. The 2 minute footage shows a game with a thick atmosphere intercut by intense action. The voice over and visuals allude towards an apocalyptic narrative. As you play the game, you get to know more about the character you control.
Later in the trailer, the players are seen accidentally triggering an alarm that quickly attracts a horde
of terrifying monsters showcasing that the game experience ranges from stealthy exploration and
puzzle solving to intense action.

Simon Viklund said that, “GTFO challenges players to communicate and coordinate. The game’s
slogan - ‘work together or die together’ - really says it all: If you merely ‘stay together’ or ‘shoot
together’ you’ll just die in a pretty formation. Working together is imperative. GTFO will put you and
your co-op team to the test.”

Here are a couple of screensshots from the game!

10 Chambers Collective

Adam Gascoine

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