Monday 18 June 2018

Metro Exodus E3 2018 Gameplay Trailer looks enticing

A new gameplay trailer has just dropped for 'Metro Exodus'. The trailer has been captured from a single level in Volga. The trailer has some juicy gameplay decorated with a dark and ominous soundtrack that perfectly fits the cold and post-apocalyptic look of the game.

  • The game has a very Fallout 4 like feel with the deserted and destroyed landscape and steampunk nature of the game.
  • While the landscape is mostly laden with snow, the trailer emphasizes on the new day and night cycles that the devs have added to the game.
  • The water in the game looks really good with lifelike reflections and physics. This is the kind of game where despite the apocalyptic shenanigans you just might find yourself by the riverside gazing at the hypnotic waves.
  • With a steampunk setting come awesome and crafty steampunk weapons. There also is a cutomisation option with the ability to modify five things in a given weapon with things like muzzles, scopes, grips etc. Also the shooting seems on point and a lot of fun.
  • At one point an enemy NPC seemed to surrender which means that not only will we have the ability to kill of spare such people but also that the AI has been programmed in such a way that if you kill enough baddies, others might just give up in fear.
  • Zip-lines! Need I say more?
  • Oh! And there are zombies as well. There always must be. So we will have both the living and the 'not so living' to worry about.
  • To top it all, there seems to be some wierd creatures roaming the wastelands as well. There is a man sized bat that is every ready to pick you up and throw you from heights and a mutated giant crocodile that will eat your boat and you away. 

Metro Exodus has been developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Silver. It is the third installment in the series. The first game was based on a novel but the later installments ventured in their own territories. Metro Exodus will be releasing on PC and consoles next year.

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