Monday 22 May 2017

Batman Arkham Knight Catwoman's Revenge DLC Robot Fight Guide

The last robot fight in the Batman Arkham Knight Catwoman's Revenge DLC is one of the toughest encounters. We bring you a playthrough of the same fight and give some tips to win it. The Catwoman's Revenge DLC is set one day after the events of Batman Arkham Knight and show Catwoman infiltrating Riddlers's hideout in a bid to steal his money and destroy his factory but before that she has to fight waves of Riddler Robots while being careful of the electrically charged ground plates closing in on her.

The last fight of this DLC is infamous for being tough with many thinking that they must be doing something wrong as waves upon waves of enemy robots keep coming. The key to winning this fight is speed and one must execute direct attack and rely less on counters as Catwoman gets hurt by the lasers even while the counter animation is going on.

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